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The Highland Schottische

Bar 1: Hop on Inside and point outside foot in LOD (in 2nd position) (1), hop on I and bring O foot back behind I calf (2) Hop on inside, and point O towards LOD (3), Hop on I and bring O in front of I  shin (4). For older dancers, this step can be done without the hops on each count.
Bar 2: Still facing partner, step O in LOD (1), Close I next to O (2), Step on O in LOD (3), hop on outside, bringing I behind O calf (4)
Bars 3-4: repeat bars 1-2 with opposite footwork and direction.
Bar 5: Repeat bar 2
Bar 6: Repeat bar 2 with opposite footwork and direction
Bar 7-8:  Moving forward in LOD and turning CW, take 4 step hops (O, I, O, I) turning around each other.

Repeat dance from the beginning.

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